
Drive Thru Chicken Dinner

Saturday May 11, 2024

Pickup times from 4:30 to 6:00

$25 for a BBQ half chicken, home-style baked beans, coleslaw, roll and brownies

$20 for a BBQ quarter chicken (no choice of quarter),

home-style baked beans, coleslaw, roll and brownies

All dinners must be ordered in advance and prepaid

Just select a pickup time when you order.

At that time, drive through the Church parking lot

 and your dinner will be ready for you.

Fund-raiser for the Flamborough Food Bank,

Carlisle and Kilbride United Churches

If you need assistance in ordering or other information, call Joan (Carlisle) at 905-689-7293

or Helen (Kilbride) at 905-659-1947

Carlisle United Church, 1432 Centre Road, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H1

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